"Do not neglect medical treatment when it is necessary, but leave it off when health has been restored...Treat disease through diet, by preference, refraining from the use of drugs." - Bahá'u'lláh

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Ketábkháneh-ye Wilson

OMG, I can't believe I waited so long to pay a visit to the library here! It's soooo awesome!

There are books everywhere! Rows and rows of books!

And it's open until midnight!

I checked out the following:

An Introduction to Persian, Wheeler McIntosh Thackston, Jr.

Honest to Jesus, Robert W. Funk

Descriptive Grammars: Persian, Shahrzad Mahootian

Táhirih: A Portrait in Poetry - Selected Poems of Qurratu'l-'Ayn

AND, with my Honors library privileges, I get to keep them for three months! Sick!


Leif Nabil said...

How are those Persian books? I'm looking for something to keep me fresh during my year of service so I can jump back into the second yer of the language.

dan said...

They seem pretty good. The "grammar" is all syntax, morphology, phonology, etc., and it doesn't use the Persian script at all; it's all transliterated. The other does use the script and is more of a general introduction, as the title implies.

Unfortunately, there are no longer Persian courses offered here, though the professor that apparently taught them in the past has put the text (which he authored) online:

Persian for Beginners

I've been learning with that as well; it's a pretty good resource.

emily oi! said...

lemme guess: it's called wilson library, right?

dan said...

yup, literally the Wilson book-house.

City Love said...

hey! the bahai world is v. small, so im just curious...do you know stefano ascari or ben milston? i served with themat the world centre and they both live in minesotta. luv the blog.