"Do not neglect medical treatment when it is necessary, but leave it off when health has been restored...Treat disease through diet, by preference, refraining from the use of drugs." - Bahá'u'lláh

Friday, October 21, 2005

Intense(ive) Ruhi

What a day. Following the anniversary of the Birth of the Báb (yesterday), I was able to facilitate/particpate/collaborate in a study of the unit of Ruhi Book 4 dedicated to the life and ministry of this amazing personage. For nine hours (not straight of course), we read stories and quotations, and shared and discussed ideas relating to the Báb, someone who declared (to a room full of fanatical Iranian clergymen and government officials):

I am, I am, I am, the promised One! I am the One whose name you have for a thousand years invoked, at whose mention you have risen, whose advent you have longed to witness, and the hour of whose Revelation you have prayed God to hasten. Verily I say, it is incumbent upon the peoples of both the East and the West to obey My word and to pledge allegiance to My person.


To make the deal even sweeter, I was treated to much delicious food and drink, warmth, laughter, and kindness.

Afterwards we listened to an amazing talk entitled Fadil-i-Qá'iní: The Tamed Phoenix about an early believer in the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh.

I left not only with a large dish filled with Indian food, but an apple, a peach, some chutney, and a jar of pickles. When will the generosity end!?