"Do not neglect medical treatment when it is necessary, but leave it off when health has been restored...Treat disease through diet, by preference, refraining from the use of drugs." - Bahá'u'lláh

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Yesterday I went to the Minneapolis Bahá'í center for a talk by former member of the Universal House of Justice Douglas Martin, who happened to co-author the very first book that I read about the Faith. It was good; major points that I remember are: the need for Bahá'ís (and everyone for that matter) to be conscious of our position in history, to not be attached to old ways of doing things, to embrace change; that the Bahá'í Faith is intensely political, just not partisan; that we must walk a middle road, avoiding the extremes of always wanting change for the sake of change (for example, a completely new plan every year) on the one hand, and intolerance and fundamentalism on the other hand. We must learn to take "yes" for an answer from those who we invite to participate in our activities.

My sleep cycle is utterly out of whack. Last weekend I was up until past 5am three nights in a row, then there was a 4:30 earlier this week, then a 6:30 on Thursday, followed by sleeping until 4pm on Friday and 2pm yesterday. Last night after the talk I came home, did some reading, and fell asleep on the couch. I awoke at midnight and decided to go straight to bed, but couldn't fall asleep until 4am.

As I left Hard Times Cafe at 4am on Monday, I saw a box of HyperCard software and manuals, bringing back lots of memories. On Thursday, after showing my roommate my Bone Thugs Alarm Clock, I looked for and found some of my old stacks (programs I wrote in HyperCard back in the day) and spent a long time trying to get them to run on my computer. In the end I was successful, but what took hours could have taken minutes had I known where to look in the first place. So I stayed up until 6:30 playing with my creations from 1999. I'd like to get into some kind of programming again; it's enjoyable.

I just looked out my window and saw snow flurries. Not sure how I feel about that.

I have 3 tests this week, in Health Care for Interpreters, Latin American Geography, and Social Theory. The majority of the rest of my day should be dedicated to preparation.


Anonymous said...

you should get your sleep cycle back into whack, and also edit my link on your links :)

Unknown said...

You don't necessarily need to change your sleep cycle. Just move to Russia or something where your body clock is accurate.
But then we'd miss you.
Okay maybe start sleeping like a normal person.
Also, do you actually HAVE Sanar?

Nobodyatall said...

My goodness wherehaveyoubeen

emily oi! said...

oh boy. do you think i could have bonethugs for my macbook? that was my favorite.