"Do not neglect medical treatment when it is necessary, but leave it off when health has been restored...Treat disease through diet, by preference, refraining from the use of drugs." - Bahá'u'lláh

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Genuine Development

In order to be genuine, development must be achieved within the framework of solidarity and freedom, without ever sacrificing either of them under whatever pretext. The moral character of development and its necessary
promotion are emphasized when the most rigorous respect is given to all the demands deriving from the order of truth and good proper to the human person. Furthermore the Christian who is taught to see that man is the image of God, called to share in the truth and the good which is God himself, does not understand a commitment to development and its application which excludes regard and respect for the unique dignity of this "image." In other words, true development must be based on the love of God and neighbor, and must help to promote the relationships between individuals and society. This is the "civilization of love" of which Paul VI often spoke.
- John Paul II, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis


emily oi! said...

in the newspaper last week, i saw someone refer to john paul II as "john paul the great". is that pre-sainthood hype, or has that conversion already happened?

dan said...

John Paul "The Great"

emily oi! said...
