"Do not neglect medical treatment when it is necessary, but leave it off when health has been restored...Treat disease through diet, by preference, refraining from the use of drugs." - Bahá'u'lláh

Monday, August 22, 2005


So, following the suggestion of Emily, I've created this blog/world/humble abode/place to ramble and rant, replacing the old danrules. That site had fallen into neglect (as this one probably will), and I wasn't as keen on the self-exalting, arrogant title as I was when I was fourteen. (I think this one is not much better, but like Emily noted, Fernando said it, not me.) So, yes. Bookmark it if you like, but don't expect regular postings for an extended period of time. I have terrible blogging habits.


emily oi! said...

it's good you're back.

Anonymous said...

The name does suck, Danrules was much better. It had a confidence in it that this one lacks severely. It's liable to be taken over by ego driven republicans.

Anonymous said...

danny... if you say you're humble that doesn't seem very humble.